St Peters House
This lovely return verandah villa required some clever consideration to make the most of a small block.
The rear access assisted with maximising the back yard and the Garage was made to look like a garden pavilion rather than a shed.
The existing villa now contains a Master Suite, Lounge, Kids Bedrooms and main bathroom and a hidden laundry in a cupboard off the hall.
The addition is defined with an aluminium pivot door that separates the old from the new. Off the old back wall, a new cellar stair was built and surrounded by glass balustrading.
The seamless glass slot window and ceiling to the cellar stair also defines the old from the new.
Adjacent the cellar stair is an open plan kitchen, living and dining room with a hidden study nook.
The glass doors to the living and dining room slide open without a corner column to give a great sense of space and outdoor/indoor living.
The ceiling height to the addition is generous and also helps to create a scene of space and articulation.
Photography By: Sam Noonan